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Over 1,600 ballots not counted in North Carolina primary election due to voter ID and absentee ballo


Posted 8:05 pm, 03/30/2024

Just a reminder: Everyone knows that the US citizens lost the 2020 potus election


Posted 7:30 pm, 03/30/2024

Just a gentle reminder: "We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."


Posted 6:54 pm, 03/30/2024

Sorry, am I bad? My post was intended to be a new thread, I'm surprised Fakey didn't come after me with the Topic Police.


Posted 5:30 pm, 03/30/2024

How does someone go from(NOT) stolen votes to trannie/groomers? Talk about obsessed!


Posted 5:20 pm, 03/30/2024

At none of the various school events I've attended have I come across these Tranny/Groomers that are frequently referred to on this site. My grandchildren never exhibit any unusual sexual tendencies either physically or verbally. So, where are these groomers, could it be that they're confined strictly to private schools? That could explain why certain contributors on this site are obsessed with sexual deviance.


Posted 10:35 am, 03/30/2024

Snot, we have already established progressive is the word which clues the normal fellers that goverment schools is going more and more liberal all the d*** time. Lefties gonna lose the election wonst again if thet keep putting out them indentifiers as such.


Posted 10:26 am, 03/30/2024

fins,when Mad Comics was discontinued you lost your source of "reliable" information, you've been floundering about ever since.

As to your intellectual capabilities, the fact that you're phugg buddies with poopdoggie speaks for itself.


Posted 10:12 am, 03/30/2024

ROFLMAO. oh, you poor, simple minded fool. It's hysterical watching an like you call someone extreme anything. You refuse to consider any information that doesn't support your leftist progressive agenda, and label everything outside it as false. The scary part, is people like you our the loudest and most dangerous types. The fact you think I'm right wing, only proves how uninformed you are.

I bet you think Change Research is conservative too, don't you? Read something and learn. I can find more informative sources, but I don't know of a better progressive source than Teen Vogue quoting Change Research, to prove how wrong you are.


Posted 9:42 am, 03/30/2024

fins, the reason I don't refute your stat's and fact's item by item is that it's perfectly obvious that they're fabricated. Don't try to justify your lies by using erroneous data, just admit (if only to yourself) that you're stuck in neutral with an extreme right-wing ideology and reconcile yourself to being a self centered pryke.


Posted 7:49 am, 03/30/2024

Snot, ur shrink said ur projecting problem is flaring up wonst again cause the main feller with its head up its a** is u. Perhaps if you's to apply some stronger dippety doo to that gay looking hair it would help u think better.


Posted 1:06 am, 03/30/2024

You didn't question anything, stupid. You kept your head up your *** and refused to question anything out of fear that the answers would destroy your blind ideology


Posted 12:07 pm, 03/29/2024

Back to the old fin we all know and love. Whenever his "facts and stat's are questioned he throws a hissy fit, just like his buddy poopdoggie. He must have been an accountant in a previous incarnation. "Figures don't lie but liars figure."


Posted 11:51 am, 03/29/2024

Anti you said that 1600 legal votes were just thrown out and you also said that they were late which would make them illegal so which is it


Posted 11:28 am, 03/29/2024

So what you are saying is you prefer to keep your head up your *** and remain ignorant. I'm not surprised. The ignorance on this site is why I got burnt out and found more productive things to do.


Posted 11:19 am, 03/29/2024

I guess I could find all sorts of "fact and stat's" in fin's ultra-right fiction library. But I prefer to stick with the truth, I'll leave the Tooth Fairey and Santa to the MAGATS.


Posted 11:03 am, 03/29/2024

You haven't looked at any polls, have you? I suggest you also look at trending opinions with the Gen Z crowd as they come of age.


Posted 10:56 am, 03/29/2024

Whether it is legal or illegal, practical or impractical, logical or illogical the repub's will continue to search for means whereby they can keep those that will oppose them from the polls. They know full well that if there is a big turnout they're toast.

Get out and vote! Circumvent the obstacles legally even if it means going some miles out of your way or presenting previously unnecessary documents. DO NOT give them the excuse that they're looking for to nullify your vote.


Posted 10:29 am, 03/29/2024

It's a short string, Anti. Dig deeper.


Posted 10:25 am, 03/29/2024

I see you're still telling lies. They were not legal votes. The voters did not bother to follow the law. Why are you so willing to give ignorance and laziness a free pass?

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